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We're revamping the wiki content at the moment.

Because the Wiki is not only outdated but also badly needed a content refresh, we'll placing it under maintenace mode during the revamp. Expect major changes into how we organize the wiki, among other things. So, we'll be extending our uttermost apologies if things break here.

- Andrei Jiroh, Open-source Developer/Maintainer and SABDFL

Archiving a open-source project

Instructions for maintainers

Update the README to add this notice at top using the following template. If any community forks exist to take over the main project or any infrastructure undergoing graceful shutdown, please also note it in the deprecation notice.


This project is no longer maintained by Recap Time Squad team or its communuity maintainers.
If you wish to continue to develop this code yourself, we recommend you fork it following
the project's license.


For context behind this decision, see {LINK_TO_CONTEXT}.


If you're not a maintainer yourself, please send your changes as a patch and wait for maintainer or admin response. If you have write permission to the main branch and the notice lapse after some days (14 days to be safe by default), go ahead and apply the patch and notify the admins.

Instructions for admins

You must be a squad lead OR IT admin OR repo admin/maintainer to do this.

Depending on your permissions, you may need help moving between organizations/namespaces.

Once the instructions above are accomplished on the side of maintainer, you should move into @recaptimedev-archive GitHub organization (@recaptime-dev/archive on GitLab and ~recaptime-dev/archived on hosted sourcehut) and gracefully shut down or archive any infrastructure.

Moving to the archives

  1. Navigate to the target repository's settings, scroll to Danger Zone and click Transfer.
  2. In New owner*, select **Specify an organization or username and type recaptimedev-archive in the provided text field.
  3. Type the old project path to confirm and hit I understand, transfer this repository.1
  4. Once the transfer is complete, return to repository settings once more and click Archive this repository then confirm.

This assumes that the project in question is on or GitLab SaaS.

  1. Go to project's general settings, then expand Advanced settings.
  2. In Select a new namespace, select Recap Time Squad - Project Archives on the list and click Transfer project.

  1. If you received the error message You don’t have the permission to create public repositories on recaptimedev-archive, request access here